Friday, December 31, 2004

A Few Good Things

It has been a hard year.  So many of the people I care about are weary, sick or close to losing heart.  Just for a day, I think, we can pause in the struggle.  After all, one response to the tsunami may be to enjoy it while you’re here, because you never know…

So for my friends, a few good things:

A slide show of wild album covers from the 50’s

A collection of Edward Hirsch poetry columns

The Living on Earth Appalachian special.  Pinckney Benedict has a terrific story.

Fresh Air, recent interviews with John Waters, David Sedaris, and Mort Sahl are classic.

Two riveting documentaries:

Agnes Varda, The Gleaners and I

Andy Goldsworthy - Rivers and Tides: Working With Time

For music?  I like to search the streams on

Blues Before Sunrise
is a good show from Chicago Public Radio.


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